👤Secretary Waqar-e-Amal: Khalique Ahmed

📧 Email: zahid.ahmed@atfalusa.org


Waqar-e-Amal department is tasked with inspiring Atfal to work with their hands, engage in teamwork,  and do collective work for the Jama’at and community.

2023 Departmental Goals

  • New year Waqar-e-Amal Challenge in the Mosque (Submissions window from 12/24/22 – 1/15/2023
  • Tree planting challenge in the spring/summer season
    • Each Majalis should complete at least 1 tree planting event in spring or summer, complete before August 31, 2023. 
  • Conduct one Misali Waqar-e-Amal (at least 1 hour duration and 50% Tajneed participation) every 3 months (quarterly), starting from December 2022.

Tree Planting Marathon

Tree Planting Marathon 2024. Please plan accordingly and please complete form, which has space to upload pics/videos. Please go to MAA website, for planting and planning advice Those Nazimeen who already completed please complete form
