Opening Session

  • Recitation of the Holy Qur’an by a Tifl.
  • Translation of the Holy Qur’an by a Tifl.
  • Atfal Pledge, lead by Nazim Atfal or Qaid Majlis. (View Atfal Pledge)
  • Hadith by a Tifl.

Class Agendas

A reminder to please remember the following objectives before going into today’s lesson plan: Recitation of the Holy Qur’an and the Memorization of Salat.

Regarding the recitation of the Holy Qur’an, please encourage the Atfal to recite daily.

Regarding the memorization of salat, please ensure that each Tifl has a personalized weekly goal for how much to memorize. It is important to help keep each Tifl on track to reach the goal of memorizing the full salat. For Atfal younger than 10 years old the emphasis should be on memorizing salat fully in Arabic. For Atfal older than 10 years, emphasis should be put on memorizing the full salat in Arabic with the English translation. Please ensure that each tifl is keeping up with their goals in this area. Those Atfal who have already memorized salat along with the translation should set goals to memorize some portions of the Holy Qur’an along with the translation.

Please use the beginning of the class to check in on the Atfal and how their progress towards their goals is going.

After checking on the progress of Atfal towards their goals, please divide the class into Mayar e Saghir and Mayar e Kabir.

Class August 12/13

For Mayar e Saghir, please go through the following portion of the summary of the Friday Sermon from August 4, 2023 and discuss what the Atfal learned from it. Also take the opportunity to ask the Atfal about their experience at US or UK Jalsa or what they learned from watching the programs.

Blessings Showered Upon us by Allah Almighty During this Jalsa Salana

His Holiness(aba) said no matter how much we thank Allah, it is not enough, for He greatly blessed this Convention, and this was felt by all, by Ahmadis and non-Ahmadi guests alike. We are weak; it is only through the blessings of Allah that we are able to do anything, and this Community is showered by the blessings of Allah the Almighty in a manner that is best described as:

‘And if you try to count the favours of Allah, you will not be able to number them. Surely Allah is Most Forgiving, Merciful’ (The Holy Qur’an 16:19)

His Holiness(aba) said that Allah the Almighty overlooks our weaknesses and bestows such favours upon us that we could never truly thank him. Nonetheless, Allah the Almighty has commanded us to be thankful to Him, and if we are thankful to Him, then Allah the Almighty will continue to grant more. Therefore it is our duty to thank Allah the Almighty, and if we do so, then we will continue to progress. Therefore, when it comes to the Jalsa Salana, we must first and foremost thank God Almighty…

His Holiness(aba) prayed that the results of this Jalsa be such that Allah the Almighty enables Ahmadis to remain connected with God throughout their lives, they may increase in faith and certainty, and they may become those who fulfil the purpose of the advent of the Promised Messiah(as). May the impact on non-Ahmadis not be temporary, rather, may they perpetually be eye-opening. May they realise the teachings of Islam Ahmadiyya to be the true means of salvation for them and the rest of the world.


For Mayar e Kabir please have them read and discuss the following excerpt from Introduction to the Study of the Holy Quran (pg. 276)

Characteristics of the Quranic Teachings

 One special feature that distinguishes the Quran from all other Scriptures is that it deals adequately with all problems arising within the sphere of religion and by stressing the function of religion it directs attention to its proper sphere and the benefits that may be derived from it. A reader of the Old and the New Testaments or of the Vedas or of the Zend-Avesta is left with the impression that somebody appearing at an intermediate stage in the middle of a long drawn-out phenomenon of nature had set out to describe those stages of it of which he had been a witness. That is not the case with the Quran. It expounds the philosophy of creation and all matters connected therewith. It explains why God created the universe and the object of man’s creation and the means to be adopted for the achievement of that object. It sheds light on the nature of the Godhead and its attributes and the manner in which those attributes find their manifestation. In connection with the object of man’s creation it expounds the laws on which the running of the universe is based. It points out that for the physical development and evolution of man God has put into force the laws of nature which regulate the physical and mental conditions of man and that one group of angels is entrusted with the enforcement of these laws. For the development and enlightenment of the human soul God has revealed the Law of Shariah (i.e. Sacred Law) through His Prophets. In some cases the revelation, containing the Sacred Law has been limited in character but there has also been the revelation containing the complete and perfect code of the Sacred Law. In other cases the object of the revelation has been to restore the Sacred Law to its original purity after it had suffered from human misinterpretation. In other words, God raises Prophets among mankind with different objects. Some Prophets are Law-bearers, and through them a new dispensation is revealed. The function of others is limited to the modification of an already revealed Law while still others are entrusted with the duty of sweeping away misinterpretations of the Law. The Quran also explains the need for, and the benefits to be derived from, the Law of Shariah and its function in relation to the evolution of man.

Categories: Atfal Class